About Us

Thanks so much for taking a moment to get to know us a little better. Hopefully this video will give you a little taste of the People's experience.


Our Team

Pastors Michael & Jennifer Spivey have been the lead pastors at People’s since 2008. Pastor Michael serves as the head of both the Elder and Pastoral Leadership Teams and his main focus is leading People's through inspired vision, direction and preaching. Jennifer leads the Women’s Ministries and is the administrator at the academy. The Spivey's ability to relate and connect with multiple generations and diverse people groups have helped People’s to become a beautiful expression of the God’s Kingdom on earth. Michael & Jennifer have been married 26 years and have three grown children: Tyler, Jacob (and a daughter in love Hannah), and Lindsay. The Spivey's are lifelong learners and enjoy reading, spending time on the lake, and Queen Bea - their fur baby.

  • Dr. michael spivey

    Lead pastor

    Lead Pastor

  • JEnnifer SPivey

    Women's Ministry, Small Groups, & Academy Director

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    Operations Pastor

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    Kids city Pastor

    birth-5th grade

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  • David burton

    worship director

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  • Jacob Spivey

    Youth (6th-12th grade) & Young adult (18-29) pastor

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  • consistency

    In all things we want to develop consistency. Church attendance, attention to prayer and scripture, and the forming of life giving relationships are all key to cultivating a life of consistency. Dedicate yourself to faithful church attendance for 3 months & see what God will do in your life.

  • ROOTED is a 10 week small group experience that connects people to God, the church, and their purpose. Everything in our church runs through ROOTED. 

    • Want to become a member of the church? Join a ROOTED group
    • Want to be baptized? Join a ROOTED group
    • Want to join a ministry? Join a ROOTED group
    • Want to lead a small group? Join a ROOTED group